Categories: Notize Roma

Addio a Bianca Doros e Patrizia Cormos: commoventi funerali a Tarna Mare, in Romania, per le due giovani vittime della piena del Natisone

La comunità di Tarna Mare, in Romania, si è stretta attorno alle famiglie di Bianca Doros e Patrizia Cormos, le due ragazze di 23 e 20 anni tragically swept away by the flood of the Natisone river in Premariacco, Italy. The funerals were held this afternoon, with a large participation of relatives, friends and citizens, in a touching and solemn ceremony.

‘arrivo delle salme e il lutto cittadino

Bare bianche coperte di fiori e abiti da sposa per le due giovani vittime

The bodies of Bianca and Patrizia arrived in the small Transylvanian town yesterday, where the mayor had declared a day of mourning. The coffins, white and covered with flowers, were carried through the streets of the town, followed by a long procession of people dressed in white. According to local tradition, the two girls were dressed in wedding dresses, as they were not yet married.

The pain and disbelief of the families and friends of the two victims were palpable in the air, as the community gathered to pay their last respects and offer their condolences. The funeral procession was a silent and solemn moment, interrupted only by the sound of the church bells tolling in the distance.

Le cerimonie funebri e l’ultimo saluto

Due cerimonie distinte per Bianca e Patrizia, a poca distanza l’una dall’altra

Today, the funerals of Bianca and Patrizia were held in two separate ceremonies, both attended by a large crowd of people. The first ceremony was held for Bianca, in the church of the Holy Trinity, where family and friends gathered to remember her and say their final goodbyes. The priest spoke of Bianca‘s kindness, her love for life, and her dreams for the future. The ceremony was marked by moments of deep emotion, as her loved ones shared memories and tears.

The second ceremony was held for Patrizia, in the church of Saint Nicholas, just a short distance from the first. The mood was equally solemn, as the priest spoke of Patrizia‘s vivacity, her passion for music and dance, and her plans for the future. Her family and friends paid tribute to her memory, sharing stories and condolences.

As the two ceremonies drew to a close, the community of Tarna Mare came together once again to accompany Bianca and Patrizia on their final journey. The two coffins were carried through the streets, followed by a long procession of people dressed in white, in a touching and poignant moment. The funerals of Bianca Doros and Patrizia Cormos were a moment of deep sadness and reflection for the entire community, as they said their final goodbyes to two young lives tragically cut short.

Francesca Monti

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